How to Reserve a Space
Each person wishing to reserve any location will go online to become a Requester. This will only be done once per user. (COI and tax exempt forms must be included for outside groups)
You must reserve any space in the District (even in your home building) when it’s a room or athletic field you don’t normally use. For example, if you are having a club meeting in a different classroom you need to reserve it.
Requester will be granted permission by the system Administrator(s).
Requester will receive acceptance email and will get a new link to log into RSchoolToday and can view the Facility Calendar.
Requester will create a request for a facility. See step-by-step instructions in the following pages.
Approval process will ensue. Many areas may not require an approval process but will need to be reserved, i.e. HS Principal’s Conference Room. Each building Admin will determine the restrictions it sets.