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Enrichment Program

Enrichment Program Mission

The School District of Onalaska recognizes the unique interests, values, and talents of each student. SDO is committed to providing rigorous learning experiences for all students to support their personal potential while developing responsibility to our school community and society as a whole.

Enrichment Program Vision

The overall focus of the program is to identify strengths in all students to provide purposeful and engaging opportunities to deepen learning.

SDO provides systematic and continuous programming to meet the needs of students in each of the five areas of giftedness: general intellectual, specific academic, creativity, leadership, visual and performing arts. 

Program Overview

The SDO Enrichment Program meets enrichment needs in all five areas of giftedness. At the elementary level, dedicated enrichment coordinators work with classroom teachers to implement strategies and curricula to support these five domains. At the secondary level, there are opportunities for acceleration, specialized study, extra- and co-curricular activities, honors courses, Advanced Placement courses, Early College Credit Programming, Start College Now programming, among other learning experiences.

Enrichment coordinators work in collaboration with Classroom Teachers to meet the needs of students who are ready to deepen or extend their grade level learning. The program is designed to address student needs within the regular education classroom as often as possible.

In addition to classroom collaboration, flexible and fluid groups are facilitated by enrichment coordinators to address the domains of general intellect, creativity, leadership, and visual and performing arts at different points in the school year.

The identification process includes the review of academic assessments, teacher recommendations, and classroom observations. In addition to these practices, our Enrichment Program uses interest profiles or other manners of surveying students to determine next steps.