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Bus Behavior & Safety

Student Rider Safety Expectations

1. Choose your seat and remain seated while the bus is in motion, unless you need assistance from the adult in charge or to use the restroom on motor coaches. SEAT TO SEAT, BACK TO BACK, FEET TO FLOOR!
2. Do not stand, kneel in the seats, block the aisle, walk around, switch seats, bounce around, etc.
3. Check with the bus driver first before opening windows. Open windows will depend on time of year and weather conditions. Problems may result in closing windows.
4. Keep your hands, arms, heads, and other items inside the bus when windows are open.
5. Keep noise and disruptions to a minimum. Avoid yelling, loud talking, throwing things, celebrating, loud singing, chanting, whistling, etc.
6. Store or keep belongings (book bags, duffel bags, musical instruments, etc.) under the seats, on your laps, or in empty seats not in the aisle for school buses, and in the cargo bay or overhead compartments for motor coaches.
7. Check to make sure all belongs are taken along when leaving the bus.
8. Remain seated if an emergency occurs, and wait for instructions from the adult in charge or the bus driver.
9. Use the rear door for emergency exiting only, when instructed to do so.
10. Use only earbuds/headphones for music.
11. Use only acceptable, appropriate comments, gestures, and language.
12. Do not use, possess, or be under the influence of controlled substances, drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, dangerous objects / weapons.
13. No beverages or food are permitted on the bus.
14. Help keep the bus clean by putting trash in the provided containers.
15. Make sure cleated shoes are not worn on the bus, during athletic trips. Uniform changing is not to take place on the bus.
16. Ride home on field trip and co-curricular buses, unless you have permission according to school procedures, to use private transportation instead.
17. Be considerate, cooperative, courteous, respectful, follow instructions, and use common sense.
18. NO Skateboards are allowed on any bus.
19. Drivers are authorized to assign seats.

Additional Student Responsibilities -- Routes To & From School

1. Wait for the bus at designated stops and be on time.
2. Be alert to possible dangers and stay off of streets or roadways.
3. Stand back and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop and the door to open, before boarding.
4. Sit in the first available seat.

1. Move away from the bus immediately, after being dropped off at your stop after school.
2. Move toward your house, if you live on the same side of the street or roadway as your stop.
3. Cross the street or roadway (when flashing lights are used) by walking to a point 10 feet in front of the bus and waiting for the driver to signal to cross.
4. Cross the street or roadway (all other times) by walking to the nearest pedestrian crosswalk or intersection and cross when it is safe.

When your child needs to be dropped somewhere other than his or her regular stop…
On these occasions (birthday parties, scouts, friends home, etc.), please have your child bring a note from home to the main office stating the alternate stop. The office will then fill out a form for your student to give to the bus driver. If it is an emergency please call the school secretary and they will take your information to give to the driver. This is important because the bus drivers are instructed not to drop riders anywhere but their regular stop unless they have a form signed by the school. It is also a safety measure for us to keep track of students at the end of the day. There have been times when a parent/guardian has called looking for his or her child because the child did not arrive home on the bus…. instead, they have stayed in town or went to a friend’s house. Please help us to keep track of your child(ren).