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Becoming a Board Member

Onalaska School Board members are elected in accordance with Wisconsin Statute 120.06.  Elections are held in April each year.  Members are elected for a three year term. Citizens interested in running for the Board need to circulate nomination papers (after December 1, 2024) and file the campaign registration statement and declaration of candidacy no later than 5:00 p.m. January 7, 2025. Forms should be returned to the District Office at 237 2nd Ave S. 

There are two seats open for the April 2025 election; both are three year terms. Members whose terms expire in April 2025 are: Ann Garrity and Shawn McAlister.

The following incumbent Board of Education member(s) whose term of office expires in April 2025 and whose seat will be contested at the 2025 spring election have filed a Notification of Non-Candidacy, as provided under section 120.06(6)(b)3 of the state statutes:

By filing the Notification of Non-Candidacy, the incumbent(s) listed above have given advance notice that they do not presently intend to be a candidate for reelection to their office. 

To file to be a candidate in a regular election, you must complete the forms linked below

CF-1 Campaign Registration Statement
EL-162SD - Declaration of Candidacy - School Board Candidates
EL-169 - Nomination Papers (100-200 Signatures Required)
2025 Guide for Candidates

2025 Ballot Access Checklist